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I'm currently Narrative Director with Criterion Games, an Electronic Arts studio. Prior to this I was Principal Writer with Saber Interactive, where I worked on a number of projects including dialogue for the Evil Dead game and a forthcoming currently unannounced major release. I was previously Lead Writer with Sony's PlayStation London Studio. I write for games, comics, books, radio/audio and Virtual Reality. My published and produced work includes the video games Blood and Truth (Sony 2019) and Sniper Elite 4 (Rebellion 2017), as well as tie-in material for Big Finish’s Doctor Who and Highlander ranges and short fiction for Black Library's Warhammer - Age of Sigmar. I'm the author of ‘Dead Kelly’, a novella for Abaddon Books’ Afterblight series, and comic stories for 2000AD and Commando.


My book Fantastic Transmedia, an analysis of large and small-scale crossmedia storytelling in science fiction and fantasy franchises, was published by Palgrave in 2015. I have a PhD exploring the relationship between story and play in video games (conferred 2009) and I wrote and presented 'The Origins of the Metaverse' for BBC Radio Four in March 2022.

Please contact me if you'd like to see a portfolio of my published and produced work.

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